As I have grown in my faith, I have come to realize that the time of Lent can be powerful. I did not always know this, especially as a protestant. My Catholic friends would give up things, but I somehow felt superior that I didn't have to go in for that stuff. I could eat all the meat I wanted to on Fridays. And Easter could be powerful, with trumpet fanfare accompanying my mother playing the organ, the glory of Easter lilies, the hymns sung but once a year. Then I married Jay, whose Catholic practices impinged on my feelings of superiority. Lent included fasting and abstaining from meat on Fridays, once we were married. So I started following some of those practices each year, and I found I really looked forward to Easter, not only to be able to have those things I had given up, but because this season of Lent became real. I discovered that Easter was far more meaningful if I observed Lent more than just on Sundays. So, I invite you to join us as we journe...