Saul had to be blinded by God for a while to get him to stop persecuting Christians. Saul was on what he thought was a mission for God to end the Christian uprising. But God had other plans for Saul. It took a profound experience of God: being knocked off his horse, temporarily blinded, and Christ’s voice from heaven telling him to stop, before Saul became Paul and became an apostle of Christ. Saul had to be stopped in his tracks before he could see how he was on the wrong path. It is so hard in today’s world to completely unplug. Our little flat things, as Paula Poundstone calls our mobile phones, are taking over. It is way too easy to read a story online, play a game, watch a video, read Facebook or text, rather than have quiet time as we wait in the doctor’s office, let dinner simmer on the stove or put our feet up after a long day at work. Distraction may be the biggest modern sin. It is right up there with “busy.” We are so busy. Busy doing what? Certainly there are family dema...